Sunday, May 9, 2010

The East side of our building

The East side of our building looking out over the 7th floor is beautiful. The Japan Air force has not developed this area of green that used to be apart of the old Johnson Air Base. I guess it was where the high school field used to be but don't really know. I just see the football uprights and guess that. Japanese Schools don't have US style goal posts. There are lots of interesting animals that roam around here too. I really love Japan it is such a beautiful place to live. Nothing like I imagined it to be. I see the glory of the sunrise and know that God is as faithful here as he is anywhere else on this globe. The interesting thing for me lately is that the Sun comes up at about 4am here so quiet times are different here. Still a blessing to spend time with the Lord. Pray for my neighbor who came out and worshiped the sun as I took these pictures at 5am. I hope to talk to him about his ritual. I was just as startled as he was too. I was worshiping God but not the Sun yet it was weird as he came out of his apartment clapped his hands and bowed to the sun. That was it. Pray he will see the creator of the Sun and worship him.

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