Friday, February 10, 2012

Slamming Doors

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; 
and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Matthew 25:10

Incident: Laying in bed warm it is 6am and the rumblings of family indicate the day is getting started. There is a door that separates two areas of our Apartment. It has a bent hinge causing it to just barely bump the doorjamb. I have warned the kids many times to not slam the door. Before we moved into this Apt two years ago on our first day looking at the place the wind slammed the door twice which yielded two neighbors to come over and scold us for being Urusai (Noisy). So with this fear constantly in our head I tell the kids don't slam the door. This one morning though there was an unusual amount of slamming. There was loud voices and slamming. When someone has a heart problem the last thing you want to do is startle them and cause heart trauma. As I lay in this warm bed fading in and out of consciousness I am startled awake, SLAM, "Oh those kids." roll over close eyes again. SLAM, "I wish they wouldn't slam the door. SLAM (I have 3 kids) We are going to get in trouble by the neighbors. SLAM (the wife?) Being startled 4 times was all my heart could take anger was the emotion of the day. I shot out of bed opened my bedroom door. I inhale to blast them with both barrels of my teaching on why we should not slam doors. When all of a sudden everything goes blank. The reboot happens while I'm on the floor. My eyes open, I'm hearing my panicked wife calling my name, my oldest son is calling my name they are putting hands on me trying to find out what just happened. My Son was fearful I had just entered eternity. In 10 seconds I stand up say, "Please stop slamming the door." Then I returned to bed for about 20 minutes. This is part of the heart problem now. As the heart is unable to pump normal when an event that causes me to move fast or say I eat a meal and stand up too quickly I get dizzy. That morning with anger being in the mix caused a crumpling to the floor. It was quite humbling. I now have to be careful of really managing my emotions. I have to choose my battles based on how much energy do I have for this. Which has been quite nice as I not having energy usually just walk away and don't say a word. The kids know and are helping to do their part. I must say this our home has been so much more peaceful now. All but the slamming of the door.

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