This is a great story very motivating. I hope you like it.
My sister Carol Wheeler came across an encouraging story of Henry Peterson. It appears in numerous places on the internet. I hope it encourages you as it did me.
The Georgetown Coach Lou Little stood on the sideline watching the players practice shaking his head in disbelief. It was a Monday morning and to say that some of the guys were tanking it in would be an understatement. He blew his whistle, called everybody together in the center of the field, and started to let them know his feelings.
After ranting about commitment and desire he turned and pointed to Henry Peterson. “Look at this guy” the coach, said “He’s been on our team for four years and never played a down. He’s first at practice and last to leave. He studies film, works out in his spare time and never complains when he doesn’t start. This guy is the glue that holds our team together. I wish you guys could follow Henry’s example more often.”
In Henry’s senior year, Georgetown had the best season in the school’s history. They were due to play Fordham University with their last game to win the state championship. This was the biggest game in the schools history, and excitement was at fever pitch.
The Monday prior to the game Coach Little was walking off the field after practice when Henry approached him. Henry said that his father had passed away that weekend and that there was to be a memorial service for him that Saturday. Much to the coach’s amazement, Henry apologized and said that he needed to be at the service.
Coach Little told Henry to go with his blessing and as a mark of respect the team would say a prayer for his dad before each practice and they’d also dedicate the game to his memory.
On the morning of the big game the Coach was in his office going over some last minute plans for the game when the door burst open and Henry walked in.
“Henry, what are you doing here, I thought it was the memorial service this morning.” Coach Little said.
“It was coach, but I felt like I had to be here. This has been my family for the last 4 years and I know my dad would want me to be here”
“Well ok, if you’re sure. Of course it’s great to have you”
“Coach, can I ask a favor?”
“Sure Henry, anything for you, you know that”
“Coach, I want to start today”
“Well Henry, I know I said anything, but I’m really not sure about that. This is the biggest game in the schools history”
“If you start me coach, I promise that the first missed assignment, dropped ball or mistake of any type you can pull me out the game.
The Coach looked hesitant, but he could see something in Henry’s eyes that made him believe that this young man wasn’t going to let him down.
“Well, ok Henry, but one mistake and you’re out, ok?”
“You got it Coach” and with that Henry turned and left the coach looking rather bemused.
That day Henry Peterson made 15 tackles and assisted in 11 more. He caused one fumble, recovered another and had an interception for the winning touchdown as Georgetown beat Fordham. He was voted Most Valuable Player and in short played the kind of game that people are talking about 60 years later.
After the game Coach Little ran onto the field and hugged Henry.
“Henry, why didn’t you tell me you could play like that, I had no idea. I could have used you for the last 4 years, but I never saw it in practice.”
“Did you ever meet my father Coach?”
“No, I didn’t have that privilege. I saw you walking round the field arm in arm with him a couple of times and I’m sorry now I didn’t come and say hello”
“Well coach, my father was blind and today was the first time he got to see me play football”
Fig is an acrostic for Faith in God from Mark 11:22. We as missionaries living in Japan enjoy our FIG in Japanese or In Nihon Go (ING). Here we are figing away in a beautiful country Japan. This started out as a place for family to get updates and pictures but now this goes all over the world. Praise God. May you be blessed as you read my posts. Some funny, some sad, & some really stupid and embarrassing for my family.
Friday, October 29, 2010
ESL students

Monday, October 25, 2010
Nathan went to the Franklin Graham Festival
The opportunity of a life time for Nathan to go and see and hear the message of the gospel by Franklin Graham in Osaka. He and about 15 others from Grace Christian Fellowship in Ome (ie His School) went down to serve. He had so much fun and saw many things. We got him a camera, but at 12... taking pictures is not on his mind. So we have shots of him and the back of his friends heads. LOL But he was moved and I pray God with give Nathan vision to serve King Jesus with all his life.
In an interview Franklin answered a question from a reporter with the following simple gospel statement. I love it.
We have come to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to give the people of this great city an opportunity to find peace with God through faith in his son Jesus Christ.
God made each and every one of us. He cares for us. But the human race has a problem. The human race has broken God’s standard. As a result we are separated from God. But if we’re willing to accept God’s salvation – His son Jesus Christ, God will forgive us, He’ll heal our hearts and He will reveal his plan for our lives.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Satori? Enlightenment or The imminent light ?

They offer sacrifices to idols on the tops of mountains. They go up into the hills to burn incense in the pleasant shade of oaks, poplars, and other trees. "That is why your daughters turn to prostitution, and your daughters-in-law commit adultery. Why should I punish them? For you men are doing the same thing, sinning with whores and shrine prostitutes. O foolish people! You will be destroyed, for you refuse to understand. Hosea 4:13-14.
Just a note for you who study the Bible in Japanese. I was noticing in Hosea 14 the word in the Shinkaiyaku Seisho for understand is Satori. In my studies this word means enlightenment. This was very interesting as here in Japan those worshiping idols are looking for enlightenment. But the Japanese translators chose satori in stead of rikai. I am not sure why but maybe there are similarities? I do think if fits well with the idea of an individual worshiping a god to seek enlightenment and there isn't any. The NIV says "a people without understanding will come to ruin." Those with idols seeking understanding are without understanding in the first place. Those wanting to be enlightened are without enlightenment. It is the classic cart before the horse. They must first become enlightened before they can have understanding. It is illogical to think you will understand something (ie. a god) when you don't have the capability to understand that in the first place. Am I making sense here? In other words like as in 1 Corinthians 2:14 "The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand (SATORUKOTO GA DEKIMASEN) them, because they are spiritually discerned. In John 3, Jesus told Nick at night you MUST be born again to be able to see the kingdom of God. You can't see what it's all about. You can't be enlightened until you receive and accept the one who enlightens. I was just blown away by this.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Kiyosato Country Fair


Saiboku -- MMMMM Bacon

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The best customer service without the cutomer
The link above will take you to an article that was what I feel well written. Japan is a wonderful place to live if you can accept the rules and the package and don't try to get it your way. If you seek to make any changes it can be a most frustrating experience. This article explains why. The company makes customer service a manufactured product so there is little to no exchange or interaction. They can have perfect service by the book but there is something missing. There is a distinct lack of personability.
"I don’t blame the server or the person at the cash register for the inflexibility. They are just following the manual which is incredibly rigid and allows for little or no bending of the rules. There is never any intention of malice or annoyance. And there is never any lack of politeness or friendliness on the part of Japanese service staff. Staff are generally friendly but I find it is a false or insincere friendliness that is obviously right out of line 34 of the training manual. You can often see the catalogue smile on the clerk’s face wane if you ask for anything remotely out of the ordinary. Back home, friendliness is by no means guaranteed when you walk into a shop or restaurant but when you do find it, it tends to be genuine and sincere."
I got to thinking about the Church and the way we can get into the manufactured production of a service. We loose the personability to interact with the people. There needs to be a connection. I can remember many times in my growing up when the pastor would say something profound and men would say amen. That was at a Baptist church even. There would once in a great while be a story told where the pastor would verify the facts with the audience. There was a homey feel to the service. I don't think there should ever be a singling out in a service someone for the brunt of a joke.
In the quote above the service staff is just following the manual. Are there many Christians just following the manual the Bible but are without genuine friendliness? Do Christian who serve the greatest service organization in the Universe have a false and insincere friendliness? Christians can appear friendly and polite and have a false church face. Oh how different our lives would be if we were to follow the apostle Paul's writings: Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor.

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Gifts are delicious
Friday, October 8, 2010
Sakurai and Indian Curry awesome
Simon says, "Do a monkey?"
Felice's Cake
Boys need their mommies
I don't care how old you get boys need their mommies. I love this shot because Nathan at 12 is reminding me of him at 2 being fed by his mommy. Mihoko loves to do this. Nathan will be mortified that I'm posting it but he only has 6 more years of us and then he will be on his own. For now we get to enjoy him and reminisce about his life.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The last supper and lunch and evening snack for Felice

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