It was hard waking up at the Tiperton Hotel near UCLA. It was 7am. Soon 7:28 and I needed to shower and eat breakfast and go see our 4 year old daughter in the hospital on life support. It was day 24 in the hospital. I slide off the bed and pray with tears. "Lord please have mercy? Please let today be the da..." Before I can finish my prayer at 7:30 in the morning the phone rings. "Good morning Mr. Bolinger we are needing you to come down to the hospital to fill out some paperwork?" The administrating voice said. "Kind of early don't you think?" I sighed. "Mr. Bolinger we can't go ahead with the procedure without your consent." "Procedure? What procedure? Our daughter had been on an ECHMO life support machine for about 4 days and she was declining. There were no other procedures. "Um...didn't someone call you already?" "Ah no. About what?" The admin person not a Christian says, "OMG" Mr. Bolinger Congratulations your daughter got a heart you need to come and fill out the paperwork immediately the team is on stand by waiting." WHAT!!!!!!! WE GOT A HEART! My daughter is going to live again. She was dead in my eyes like my first born son. He had the same condition the same disease the same life draining trail of death and he went to heaven. Now my daughter we expected the same fate. "Mr. Bolinger? Mr. Bolinger? You still there?" I was a complete ball of tears I had collapsed on the floor. I eeked out in a mickey mouse voice, "Yea I'm on my way." I hung up and just fell into praise and worship before my Lord and King Jesus. The redeemer of my soul and now the healer of the daughter. He had always been a healer and capable of healing but I was lacking faith. His grace (Unmerited favor) was poured out upon us that day in a mighty way. The gift of life so precious. We never consider how precious life is until we see it draining out of the ones we love. Hope flies out the door and we are depressed and console ourselves with scripture and platitudes of grandeur but death sucks. When death is robbed of its victory and my daughter was snatched from his teeth by Jesus we shout in exalted victory PRAISE THE LORD. GLORY HALLELUJAH! The Lord spoke to me clearly, "Get up and get ready. Call your wife!" I called Mihoko who was at home. She was wondering where what's going on? She was busy with things at home and had missed the Doctors calls. "Mihoko are you sitting down?" "Why, where are you?" "Um did anyone talk to you?" "About what?" "That we got a heart?" "WHAT?" "YEA the admin just called and I..." I relayed the whole story to her. She was overjoyed and tearful as well. She left home and went to the Joyful life leaders meeting where all the ladies were in tears rejoicing that Jesus had answered all our prayers. She somehow got to the hospital which from Santa Ana to West La is a 50 minute drive with no traffic and she was going North bound on the 405 and some how through traffic made it in 45 minutes. How she doesn't remember. LOL. We were waiting from morning until dinner time. The operation didn't happen until late afternoon. We received the call she was doing great and everything looks wonderful. Again the tears of joy flow down. That was November 18, 2005. A day like many have where our family had sunk to the pit of hell and were in ashes and morning only to be lifted out of the pit of death and set upon a mountain of praise and glory. Thank you God my Father, Thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit for your love and mercy and that awesome precious gift of grace.

Our daughter is 9 now and we are living in Japan as missionaries. It is totally an amazing crazy story how we just stepped out in faith to serve our Jesus. He is able to do anything. We now live to honor our Lord with our lives. I give Jesus all the glory honor and praise due his name. May God continue to bless our daughter with great health and joy.