Friday, January 11, 2008

Calvary Chapel Mission Conference

Can anyone say Hallelujah? The missions conference was an awesome conference. The speakers all rocked sharing their heart for the Lord and teaching verse by verse. For me two special speakers were Dr. Richard Bennett and KP Yohannan. These two men of God have the humility to allow the Holy Spirits power to flow through their speaking. There was a tapestry woven through each speakers message to show clearly that the Spirit wanted us to realize that walking in the Spirit and Baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just to play with the gifts of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit didn't give the gifts of the Spirit for us to just sit around smoke it like an experimental drug and catch a high. The power of the Holy Spirit is to surrender ourselves to the point of a tuned in presence that moves us to the hurting and those ready to hear the gospel. We are to have a sense of the desires of the Spirit and to love on those whom he moves us to do so. There was also a lot of flesh slaying; it was a massacre.

We saw many great friends and everyone is supportive and excited about us going to the field. I am wishy washy at times. I get to thinking of logistics and timing. We need to fix the home to make it rentable. We can live with the problems and adjust but not so with a renter. So I can stress myself out especially what to do with my business. Pray with us as we make this transition. I feel like leaving right away. I am the kind of guy who gets a splinter and will rip it out with my teeth right away even if I have to sacrifice skin. So to get rid of our stuff and reduce our existence to a few suitcases and boxes is mind boggling the quicker the easier for me. Mihoko is more methodical and she forms a plan that is why God put us together. If there were a fire then that would solve everything. But I don't want that. We have stuff we'd like to keep. Pray for us to hate our stuff and just get rid of it. We have been cursed by living in Orange County California. I have talked to many of you who also have the same problems. Some of you can't even walk into your kids bedrooms for the ocean of toys that will wash over you. Your fearful of drowning in there. You just stand at the door and speak into the room, "honey are you in there it's dinner time." Your breathe a sigh of relief when your child emerges without a scratch. Yea, just try to reduce the Walmart inventory in that room to 2 suit cases. If only Ikea had a repackaging of the furniture back into boxes and then free shipping to anywhere in the world. Please pray pray pray. Thank you. Dan

1 comment:

The Orchard Christian Church said...

Hi Dan,
On January 11, I posted (on this blog) a translation of a Spanish worship song into English and Japanese. It is easy to play for anyone who knows a few guitar chords. My friend in Japan did a Google search on the original song, and found an MP3 file he could listen to. It was good to meet you at the Missions conference.