Fig is an acrostic for Faith in God from Mark 11:22. We as missionaries living in Japan enjoy our FIG in Japanese or In Nihon Go (ING). Here we are figing away in a beautiful country Japan. This started out as a place for family to get updates and pictures but now this goes all over the world. Praise God. May you be blessed as you read my posts. Some funny, some sad, & some really stupid and embarrassing for my family.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Grace Christian Fellowship
Jane's Yochien Tea Party
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pork Joy and Green Tea Coke I love Japan

Stay tuned as later this month the Pepsi Co will come out with a Shiso flavor which if I am not mistaken is Basil.

Nathan went to Joy Camp in Okutama
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Swine Flu Thoughts

Our Doctor told us that the Swine flu is going to hit millions of people but it is not as strong yet so to get it now is much more preferable than to get it in the winter when it will be way more tougher to beat. This thing is mutating and growing so to get it now is better as your body will build immunity to this disease.

I still don't want to go out and contract it. That is kind of gross.

Friday, June 12, 2009
stressed out babies
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hey How about a robot pastor?

Articles : Japan Unlimited
Robo-priest takes centre-stage - word perfect and in stereo
The robot priest.
Ben Hills, Herald Correspondent
YOKOHAMA, Monday: The bearded priest kneels on his cushion in front of a Buddhist altar. Incense fills the air, as he chants a sutra for the dead, pausing after each verse to strike a small brass gong.
"We are very proud of him," says Isao Hirata, a hovering acolyte in a navy blue business suit. "He's so lifelike ... one of our finest creations."
First, they automated the humans out of car-making; now, Japan's electronic whiz-kids have made an even more daring breakthrough: taking the priests out of religion. Here, on a hillside in a suburb of Japan's second city, a construction magnate has spent $A18 million marrying the marvels of modern robotics to the mysteries of the world's oldest religions.
In this high-tech chapel, all glass and stainless steel, computers and hydraulics do the Lord's work.
Mr Hirata presses a button on his control pad and the priest switches to another prayer routine - all recorded in stereo. The priest bows his head and moves his lips in sync with the chant.
Robo-Priest cost nearly $A500,000. He is programmed to deliver word-perfect prayers according to the rites of seven different Buddhist sects, Shinto and two Christian faiths.
At the push of a button, religious statues are hydraulically pumped into centre-stage ... seven different Buddhas, a Catholic Christ on a cross and a slightly more haggard-looking one for the Protestants.
There are two vacant niches to accommodate any Jewish or Hindu Yokohamans who may feel left out.

Robo-Priest is the centrepiece of a chapel built to the design of Mr Hideo Yoshino, 59, the head of a Yokohama construction company who decided last year to get into aging Japan's lucrative and highly competitive funeral industry.
Behind the chapel is a cemetery where Mr Yoshino hopes to make his profit. There are 1,300 grave sites here (swept and watered daily by a robot caretaker), and buying a perpetual lease on one will set you back $A44,000. Funeral services and rental of the chapel's many modern facilities, which include tables and benches which can be hydraulically raised and lowered -could cost another $A100,000 or more.

Robo-Priest was built to promote this automated necropolis, says the chapel's curator, Mr Tohru Sakurai. The date of a client's death will be programmed into the computer, and every year the priest will descend hydraulically from his attic in the ceiling and say sutras for the soul of the departed for half an hour.
"We are not trying to do live priests out of business," Mr Sakurai said. "However, the robot never forgets an anniversary, it never makes a mistake and you get the service free." Since the chapel opened in October, Mr Sakurai says business has been quite brisk - 200 grave sites have been sold.
Ben Hills
Pub: Sydney Morning Herald
Monday, June 8, 2009
Our June Newsletter 2009
The Bolingers June Newsletter
Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord; We had a busy month meeting people and ministering to many. The Lord has gone before us in laying a foundation here in Iruma and the Saitama area with many good churches and Christian brothers and sisters hammering away at the rock of Japan’s traditions.

We were blessed in May to meet the Bedow family. Mark and Rutsuko (Ruth) have been married for awhile and have 3 beautiful daughters. Mark is the town evangelist. He has a call from the Lord to try everyday to be at the train station preaching into the hearing of the commuters the words of our Lord for them to think and ponder upon when they go to work. I am very challenged in this area of ministry as it is so necessary. I love a small group or a church setting to stand before people I am familiar with but to proclaim the Excellency of Christ to the masses is really needed in this society. Pray for a fresh anointing from God in this area of ministry.
One testimony is that I met Mark after his preaching one morning at the station on the North Side. He usually goes back into the train station and gets on a train to go home or his next appointment. He doesn’t often get to the South side of the station where I live. But we met and decided to have some fellowship and prayer time on the South side. While there the Lord brought 6 curious youths on their way to High School here. The guys are from Hanno and come to Iruma for a special HS school. I asked why and they said, “We are bad boys.” They were at first in a humorous way taunting and joking with Mark and I about faith. Mark in a simple and clear gospel presentation shared the destiny of all man, the provision of salvation through Christ and the hope of heaven in about 5 minutes in Japanese. I wish I had recorded it because I want to do that. My Japanese is very poor. Anyway, Mark asked them if they know they are sinners they all raised their hands, He asked them how they will get rid of their sin. They shrugged and were told about Jesus Christ and the death that took the penalty for our sins and the righteousness of Christ that cleanses us from all sin. Mark asked if they wanted to have their sins forgiven and receive Jesus and have the hope of heaven. They all said yes. I was quick to praise Mark for this but he pointed out that the divine appointment would not have happened had I not shown up and we agreed to pray on the South side where we did. God is so good. Pray that we can disciple these guys.
Mihoko has continued with the tea parties and Joyful life. The fellowship is strong and God is blessing those that are getting into the word. Pray for a Hawaiian themed tea party that will occur in June. The ladies are excited. Pray that others will join us.

The kids are doing great: Nathan is in the public school over at Toyooka Elementary. He is in a regular class and is learning the Japanese. Pray for him to enjoy the time and to try to learn as much as he can. He just finished his home schooling year and we allowed him a week off. Pray that he will make good friends. He is going to Summer camp next week. They say there are 50 junior boys signed up to go.
Rachel is finishing up her year about mid June. She had many Doctor Appointments and we need a few days to make up the missed school days. Her nasal treatments are going great. I finally understood what they have been doing. There is a tube that goes from the sinus cavity through your head to your ear canal. Rachel’s fills up with mucus in the tube and also her sinus cavity, and she can’t breath right nor hear properly. So the treatments are to suck all the junk out. I almost had to leave the room. She says the treatment hurts but the relief is worth every ounce of pain. She is so happy afterward saying she can smell again and hear so much better.
Jane loves her Preschool. She is excited to see they have a blow up pool and the kids are allowed to take swimwear to play in the water. She also loves the melodeon harp she is going to play. It is a musical instrument with a mini handheld piano that is operated by blowing air into a tube. The school is teaching the basics of music.
The ESL school has grown and we have added 3 more kids which is a blessing. We hosted a Date night/Game night. The parents go on a date and the kids come over for dinner and games. It was awesome. The dad's were so stoked to have some face time with the wife and the wife with the hubby. The are wondering when the next one will be.

Pray for our VBS the last week in July.
Pray we can begin Sunday Services from July.
Greetings to everyone in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord; We had a busy month meeting people and ministering to many. The Lord has gone before us in laying a foundation here in Iruma and the Saitama area with many good churches and Christian brothers and sisters hammering away at the rock of Japan’s traditions.
We were blessed in May to meet the Bedow family. Mark and Rutsuko (Ruth) have been married for awhile and have 3 beautiful daughters. Mark is the town evangelist. He has a call from the Lord to try everyday to be at the train station preaching into the hearing of the commuters the words of our Lord for them to think and ponder upon when they go to work. I am very challenged in this area of ministry as it is so necessary. I love a small group or a church setting to stand before people I am familiar with but to proclaim the Excellency of Christ to the masses is really needed in this society. Pray for a fresh anointing from God in this area of ministry.
One testimony is that I met Mark after his preaching one morning at the station on the North Side. He usually goes back into the train station and gets on a train to go home or his next appointment. He doesn’t often get to the South side of the station where I live. But we met and decided to have some fellowship and prayer time on the South side. While there the Lord brought 6 curious youths on their way to High School here. The guys are from Hanno and come to Iruma for a special HS school. I asked why and they said, “We are bad boys.” They were at first in a humorous way taunting and joking with Mark and I about faith. Mark in a simple and clear gospel presentation shared the destiny of all man, the provision of salvation through Christ and the hope of heaven in about 5 minutes in Japanese. I wish I had recorded it because I want to do that. My Japanese is very poor. Anyway, Mark asked them if they know they are sinners they all raised their hands, He asked them how they will get rid of their sin. They shrugged and were told about Jesus Christ and the death that took the penalty for our sins and the righteousness of Christ that cleanses us from all sin. Mark asked if they wanted to have their sins forgiven and receive Jesus and have the hope of heaven. They all said yes. I was quick to praise Mark for this but he pointed out that the divine appointment would not have happened had I not shown up and we agreed to pray on the South side where we did. God is so good. Pray that we can disciple these guys.
Mihoko has continued with the tea parties and Joyful life. The fellowship is strong and God is blessing those that are getting into the word. Pray for a Hawaiian themed tea party that will occur in June. The ladies are excited. Pray that others will join us.
The kids are doing great: Nathan is in the public school over at Toyooka Elementary. He is in a regular class and is learning the Japanese. Pray for him to enjoy the time and to try to learn as much as he can. He just finished his home schooling year and we allowed him a week off. Pray that he will make good friends. He is going to Summer camp next week. They say there are 50 junior boys signed up to go.
Rachel is finishing up her year about mid June. She had many Doctor Appointments and we need a few days to make up the missed school days. Her nasal treatments are going great. I finally understood what they have been doing. There is a tube that goes from the sinus cavity through your head to your ear canal. Rachel’s fills up with mucus in the tube and also her sinus cavity, and she can’t breath right nor hear properly. So the treatments are to suck all the junk out. I almost had to leave the room. She says the treatment hurts but the relief is worth every ounce of pain. She is so happy afterward saying she can smell again and hear so much better.
Jane loves her Preschool. She is excited to see they have a blow up pool and the kids are allowed to take swimwear to play in the water. She also loves the melodeon harp she is going to play. It is a musical instrument with a mini handheld piano that is operated by blowing air into a tube. The school is teaching the basics of music.
The ESL school has grown and we have added 3 more kids which is a blessing. We hosted a Date night/Game night. The parents go on a date and the kids come over for dinner and games. It was awesome. The dad's were so stoked to have some face time with the wife and the wife with the hubby. The are wondering when the next one will be.
Pray for our VBS the last week in July.
Pray we can begin Sunday Services from July.
Truth exists in funny sayings
Some of my favorite sayings. Truth is a constant and there are sayings that contain truth but may not be included in the Bible. Some are quite funny and I have included the ones that made me giggle. I have appropriated these from someone's website. I could not think of these on my own I am a lot like #26 and 7 and 18 is my favorite.
1.Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
2. A day without sunshine is like...night.
3. On the other hand, you have different fingers
4. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.
7. He who laughs last thinks slowest.
8. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
10. Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have.
11. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
12. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
14. How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand.
15. OK, . . . . so . so what's the speed of dark?
16. When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
18. Every one has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
19. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?
21. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
22. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
24. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.
26. Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
27. Life isn't like a box of chocolates.... it's more like a jar of jalapeno's. What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow.
28. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke.
1.Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
2. A day without sunshine is like...night.
3. On the other hand, you have different fingers
4. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.
7. He who laughs last thinks slowest.
8. Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
10. Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have.
11. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
12. Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
14. How many of you believe in psycho-kinesis? Raise my hand.
15. OK, . . . . so . so what's the speed of dark?
16. When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
18. Every one has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.
19. How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?
21. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
22. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
24. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened.
26. Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
27. Life isn't like a box of chocolates.... it's more like a jar of jalapeno's. What you do today, might burn your butt tomorrow.
28. "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Toyooko Elementary
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