For the past three months cleaning the church and ministering to the body and beginning services that are Calvary Chapel, One senior member has remained skeptical about who we really are. Calvary Chapel has a marred name in the Land of Japan among the Christian community. Others claimed the name for profit and prosperity and yet they are not the same flavor of ministry. Every church based on what the Pastor believes and teaches, his leadership style, organization, diligence, and love for the people give each church a distinctive flavor. There are many other factors which I am not listing. We had one of those conversations that led to an association about us being affiliated with another church and pastor that had a questionable reputation regarding motives. We were able to clear the air and explain some of the history which led to one of the biggest sighs of relief I have ever heard. This man who was not quick to smile was smiling. He had been slumped over with responsibility. He had been expecting us to declare our true reason for being there as if we have some secret alternative motive for doing what we do.
We were able to confidently clear the air which led to this man smiling from ear to ear. Even one of the other members said, "Wow, I have never seen you smile that big." It also led him to stand tall and rejoice that we are truly his answer to prayer. I am just an observer to the things God is doing. It is kind of weird as if I am a piece of a puzzle and being in the right place at the right time gives others a clearer picture of what God is making. Keep praying Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD [is] good: blessed [is] the man [that] trusteth in him.