Fig is an acrostic for Faith in God from Mark 11:22. We as missionaries living in Japan enjoy our FIG in Japanese or In Nihon Go (ING). Here we are figing away in a beautiful country Japan. This started out as a place for family to get updates and pictures but now this goes all over the world. Praise God. May you be blessed as you read my posts. Some funny, some sad, & some really stupid and embarrassing for my family.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
California Mountains---beautiful
Moving day
Palm Trees
FOOTBALL makes it hard to talk to my wife
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Home Fellowship
Views of a Dove
I always wondered why they call it Riverside
Inventory Reduction...YES!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Awesome rain
There was some fantastic weather here in California. With El Nino type conditions it hailed on us driving out to Riverside with lots of lightening and thundering. Wow what a storm. Lot's of accidents out there. Everyone drive safe and slow down. My goodness after being in Japan for over a year, they drive slow, Here it is way too fast. Crazy
A Long day of Travel
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Going back to the States

potluck begins at 6pm Friday night the 22nd and the sharing begins at 7:30pm
Hope to see you all there.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Rachel's Ear Drum Surgery
Thank all of your for praying The procedure went really well and She is going to be fine. They told us the fluid and pressure was too great for her to fly home next week so we were thinking we'd have to cancel our trip back to the US. Now there is no problem we think? Although we now have to protect her ears and I hope there isn't too much pain.
See some of you in a week on Tuesday we fly in and Friday we are having a potluck get together at the Fujikura's. Email me if you'd like to come and hang out.
See some of you in a week on Tuesday we fly in and Friday we are having a potluck get together at the Fujikura's. Email me if you'd like to come and hang out.
Pray for Britt Hume and Tiger interesting stuff
I am impressed when a man can stand up and declare his faith confidently. Britt Hume a very prominent news caster has done just that. We are being brow beaten by other faiths and even the non-Christian "EnviroMENTALism"is outright attacking the Christian faith. Pray for more to be stronger and shine brighter in these last days for Jesus. Japan has a new religion Called ECO ism. It is this huge campaign that corporations are scrambling to propagate for profit and yet not adhere truly to the tenements. Take Toyota, They have a small car that is not "Eco" friendly because of its class, weight, and size. There are no discounts when buying the standard model. Ah! Here is the catch. If you bump the weight by adding custom seats and some other things the car enters a new category earning the right to be called ECO friendly and they can falsely advertise the standard car as able to receive the discounts the government has given. Jesus pointed this out in the faith of the Pharisees in Luke 11:44 "...For you are like hidden graves in a field. People walk over them without knowing the corruption they are stepping on." A Lawyer says, "Wow we take offense in that and you have hurt us in what you said." Jesus responds in Luke 11:46 "Yes I have" and then Jesus goes off on these guys. I sense some cultural tension here and Jesus loosing patience with these guys. I can't believe he's having lunch with them. Although it was a free lunch do you think he got to eat much?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A Sign to the nations

So Jesus points to Jonah to identify with as the sign to the evil generation. The sign is the 3 days an nights in the belly of the whale. That is what Jesus is known most for his death, burial, and resurrection. The sign was death to the flesh life. I look at Jonah and wonder what kind of sign am I to this generation? Am I dead to the world? Am I dead to my reputation (as if I have one)? Am I letting go of my possessions as I go overboard for Jesus? There are many signs that we look at each day some serious some funny some warn, some inform. What sign are you? I don't mean your astrological sign either. The sign Jesus identifies with is a man though he was disobedient went overboard for God and got the word of God into his heart and then obeyed. Can Jesus Identify with my signage? Hmm, I must admit I need to be thrown overboard.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Girls cut their hair
Friday, January 1, 2010
Midnight at the Temple Evangelism
I was personally uneasy with going into the temple grounds but I was there to encourage and pray for Mark. The people were very nice and didn't seem to mind some even thanked him. There was one person who had unkind words. But Mark nodded and kept preaching until all the line was gone. The highlight was a young boy who came up and shook Marks hand and introduced himself and ask him what he was saying. Mark spoke kind and explained to the young boy how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The boy thanked him and rejoined his parents in line. I pray that he will listen to the truth.
If there were persons of another religion coming into our worship service I would be upset so I do think we should respect others. I can see standing outside and handing out tracks and conversing with people. Yet I am not being critical of Mark but as my first time out this was a great experience to see first hand what the Japanese people traditionally do on New Years. They line up to pull a rope that rings some small bells and they give an offering and say a prayer then they receive from the priest a wooden plaque with a fortune or blessing written on it. There was a bon fire at the entrance of the temple for the people to burn last years good luck charms and last years blessings.
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