Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rachel's Doing fine

Well I visited Rachel in the Hospital and she is doing 100% better. They are keeping her one more night to have her Pediatric Cardiologist check her out in the morning. Rachel was sick for more than a week with Fevers off and on in the low range and she had a bad croupy cough. Then two days ago on Sunday her fever spiked in the mid 39's Celsius 103 around and she wasn't eating and she wasn't going to the bathroom. So on Monday, they felt she was dehydrating and they had us come into the hospital and hook her up with an IV drip to get fluids and give her some antibiotics. After a 24 hour period she is totally responsive and looking great and feeling so much better. She still has that cough but we know she will come home tomorrow. Thank you all for praying and we keep pressing forward. The last picture I am not sure but I think the spelling isn't right but it just caught my eye and I was trying to figure it out. The view of Tokyo is from her 5th floor room. This Hospital is right in the middle of a residential area. As you can see the front doors of the apartments down below. But Tokyo is a huge megalopolis with sprawling buildings and twisty roads for hours and days man. The kicker in the head is very few streets have names. For a ex-garage doorman map reading pro like me this is a nightmare. But actually once you understand a little of the madness you can usually get with in rock throwing distance of where you want to be and then good ole asking questions gets you there. Come and visit us anytime we'd love to get lost with you.

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