Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We Go Eigo

I was able to go down to the We Go Eigo school in Fuchu today. Rich and Candice Rose are from Hawaii and they are helping Travis with Calvary Chapel Tokorozawa. Rich and Candice love kids and God has given them a bunch to take care of. Rich is so excited to talk about his kids and they are all his at least he treats them that way. When they started they lived up in Tokorozawa. They would take about a 45 minutes each way using 4 different trains and a good walk. But when George and Josie Austin from CC La Habra returned to the states the Lord opened up and opportunity for Rich and Candice to step in. They moved down into the city of Fuchu and they have been so blessed ever since. They still commute several times a week back up to CCT at 3.50 to 5.00 a pop per person each way. They have between the morning Yochien and afternoon classes about 40 students. It is so much fun. They have recently started a Friday night Bible Study and it has grown with one family who move into their city just to be close to the school and Bible Study. Lately Rich has had some Guys that speak Portugese come to the fellowship and bless them. One guy is not saved but he is bringing his friends saying you have got to hear this man. God is good and will build his church his way. Mihoko and I are praying about the timing of opening a school in Iruma out of our home. We will go to the states in a few weeks and when we come back we will being the teaching process. The kids were so cute today.

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