Below is a news blurb that caught my eye...
News Catagories
Japanese Man Seeks to Marry in Two Dimensions
Date: 2008 November 1st Saturday [14:59] | Posted By: Spike
"A Japanese man has launched an online petition to allow the legal marriage of fictional characters. Taichi Takashita has started the online petition to allow himself to marry an undisclosed Manga character and has requested an amazing one million other people to follow suit by signing up.
Full Story
Taichi has stated that "I am no longer interested in three dimensions. I would even like to become a resident of the two-dimensional world" although he has not disclosed how he intends to accomplish this. While marriage is in decline in Japan, it is still only possible for a man and woman to marry. Therefore even though same-sex marriage is forbidden, this petition seeks to allow marriage to so called "virtual idols", anime, and manga characters, and characters from other media as well. We can only assume a big run on Lara Croft proposals then..."
Hey guys the above article is weird but this is the mind that has entered the Japanese Nation you can have online Anime girl friends; and well without the Moral compass of a Creator that gives life purpose this makes sense. When you have no rules to live by why would you want a Creator programed human unit to tell you what to do? Love doesn't exist it is the realm of lust. Even in the movie Wall-e he falls for a similar robotic unit. So Kermy can truly be married to Miss Piggy. I can see potential in this but also great problems. Divorce court will take on a whole new meaning could you imagine the Tasmanian Devil trying to settle with Wonder Woman?
Anime Marriage is well back to Romans one. God just gives them over to a depraved life. He still loves the soul but just lets them indulge their sin. And they are found in the end of life without excuse. Pray that we can have the opportunity to convince the people of Japan that the Moral Compass of Jesus Christ is the greatest adventure a Human can embark upon and it is multidimensional. For we are not Citizens of this world. Amen