Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Does the tooth fairy exist?

Well Rachel yanked another tooth out of her head. That is 8 in the last 3 months. She can't eat foods that you have to bite in the front. Corn and Popcicles are the worst. But I was going to put the tooth in a little jar that we keep her teeth in and she said not daddy I want to put it under my pillow. I said you don't believe in the tooth fairy do you. She smiles a big toothless smile that would light up a room and says, "Oh, but I believe in you daddy." So I am waiting til she goes to sleep and I'll sneak in and put some money under her pillow and put that yucky tooth in the baby teeth jar. Ravi Zacharias says that wonder as a child is one of the building blocks for character. Even though we know the truth we play along to the notion of what if it were true. This I believe builds faith for a future walk in Jesus. Jonathan in the Bible had that sense of hey lets just go and see what God will do. Paul tells us faith is the substance of things hoped for. We live in expectation of a great God who is love and truth and has promised to bless us. Do we look for the blessings? Have we lost the wonder effect of I wonder if God would...Pray about it and step out in faith looking at your heavenly daddy and say, "Yea but I believe in you."
The second picture is my cooking result as our last meal here I have to throw out some food but I was able to put to use most of it. We were pretty proud of our meal. The veggies were great and the Hawaiian Chicken was great. (Prepackaged boiling packets) The only thing I cooked was the potatoes. The kids are so excited about coming to the states for a little while. But they are torn as they were talking the other day saying they were going to miss their new friends here. God is good and we'll keep looking up to him believing he will bless and work in the hearts and lives of those around us. God bless you all

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