Sunday, August 23, 2009

Genkan Christianity

Are there Genkan Christians who go into God's house only to stay in the Genkan and not experience anything God has for them? Genkan is the entry way in a Japanese home where you greet someone and remove and put on shoes. Some people don't want to bother you or take off their shoes and they will resist the pleas to enter in and will be content to just remain in the Genkan. I have seen personally on many occasions where two ladies will talk for hours in the Genkan. I wish that Christians would fully enter in to the Lords house to experience all that he has for us. Why settle for stinky shoe storage. There is a whole kitchen and living room to explore and places for special rest and peace. Places for exercising faith and worship. There are places in God's house for intimacy with him. Yea God rocks and I want all that he has for me and also to see others live the life of a Christian to the fullest.

A side note these are not my genkan. Mine is a mess and I can never find my flip flops. I like it that way to prevent genkan lethargy. Just come on in.

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