Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Police Box redefined

In Japan they have the Koban or police box where a police field office holds one or two policemen. I have seen some Koban hold 5 or 6 for a meeting. While we were in Tokyo near Tokyo Tower I saw this police guy sitting in this metal box near an intersection. Now that is a police box but he is not directing traffic and he is not really doing anything that we could see of reconnaissance type work. He was just pleasantly watching cars go by. So he is really the police in a box. He looked very happy in his box. I wonder how long he stays there and can he nibble snacks while in there. What if a car hits the box? Does he have an escape route procedure to follow? I wonder if there was a phone and TV in there? Where does he go to the bathroom? There are vents in the bottom for gas to escape I guess. My kids wanted to visit the box because it was cute. This is just one of those posts that just informs my family of what I am seeing here in Japan and experiencing. God bless

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