Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Garage Sale

We were planning on having a garage sale for all of our stuff to get rid of it. Some people got together and have already started to plan one for us. A few of our Japanese Lady friends from Chaya got together and held a 3 day garage sale with tons of stuff. They had a lot left over and a friend suggested about our garage sale. So I get a call saying bring your truck and pick up this stuff. I had a truck full of blessings and my friends car was over flowing as well. So we are now stuffing their garage for the garage sale that won't happen until the first weekend in May. Mark your calendars and tell your friends to come and get some outrageous bargains. We are doing it in May because a Realtor has a yearly spring garage sale for the community. I will post the date and time later when we find out the exact date. It will be in Irvine at the same location as the Home Fellowship we have.

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