Originally from Irvine California the Patrick family makes an almost yearly migration to their home towm all the way up in Aomori. That is the upper most prefecture on the Honshu Island of Japan. Hokkaido is farther north. They decided to use the last few days of their rail pass to take a 7 hour trip down to visit us. Do we feel honored. Without Mihoko here it made for a very interesting time. We had a blast and got to do many things. God is good to have great friends like Tim and Maki Patrick. The cool thing is as we were sharing our testimonies of things happening we found out that Maki (Tim's wife) knows very well Rutsuko (Mark Bedows wife). It is a small world. Maki is a great singer and so is Rutsuko they sang at a church in Cypress together a long time ago. We were kind of weirded out by all the connections that God is making here. Anyway, Pray for the Patricks, Tim would love to come to envious of us so much his skin pigmentation is changing to a lime green hue. He is trying to cover it up with some UV lotion but it shows. Yet his dream would be to live and do ministry up in the Aomori area of Japan. They need churches up there as in most of Japan there are older folks retiring and churches closing all the time. It is sad to hear. Even a large percentage of the missionaries are going to glory or returning home. Pray for more missionaries and churches planted.

While Tim and Spencer were here we took a train ride down to Akihabara. This is the electronics Mecca of Japan. They have everything. I am not sure why Spencer is biting his finger as he looks at the girls. I actually believe he is looking at the Col Sanders and desiring Chicken. Akihabara has all the latest gadgits and stuff it was amazing. We went to one department store which was like Fry's Electronics on eight floors. It was overwhelming. We had lots of fun there

The Patricks are good people and very funny too. Oh, and Spencer we didn't think you were too weird. Maybe next time we can come and visit you...Lord willing. God bless the Patrick Family.