Sunday, July 26, 2009

SUZUMEBACHI Yikes!!! (that means a bee as big as a sparrow)

Here in the inaka of Iruma we have a lot of interesting critters around. I was introduced a couple of weeks ago to a suzumebachi. Everything in Japan is tiny they told me. Not so! They have bugs on steroids here. They have attitude and weaponry. The Suzumebachi is a mean carnivorous bug. If you don't kill it on the first swing of the racket they go and get family members like a mob hit and come after you. I was an innocent party to some very frightened Japanese men at the church. They handed me a can of wasp spray that shoots 10 meters and a badminton racket. Like a country bumpkin I went to work while they screamed like girls and ran into the church for cover. I was a Jackie Chan Hornet killer on the loose but I don't think I will do that again. The call them the sparrow hornet because the build a nest like a sparrow and legend says they can grow just as big. Well these weren't that big but I found out they can kill you with a few stings. Yikes. God is watching over me.

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