I came home to a plague of Bees in our upstairs patio. Remember I put all of our boxes from the attic out on the patio and I covered them with a blue tarp. One of the big boxes was empty. Anyway the white file boxes must have looked like bee keeper hives. The swarm scared my Mother-in-Law. She quickly closed all the doors and windows. I waited until dark and grabbed the box and threw it over the balcony. The bees were mad. You could hear them buzzing. I had chicken skin from head to toe. As I ran inside and shut the door a couple of bees came in with me. Yikes! My cieling is 12 feet high and they are buzzing around the lights up high. I thought oh great we have a plague. Then the Lord reminded me of Samson as he killed the lion the bees made a hive in the lion carcase. And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness Judges 14:14. The Lord spoke to me as I killed my business and the activity that brought forth meat for my family. Then he said but I am going to make sweetness out of the strong. I was encouraged as I am in shock like in a car accident. I just quit my business. We are now totally supported by the Lord. (like we weren't before duh!) I should be rejoicing 100% but I find my weak faith lacking in the area of confidence in the Lord. That sounds bad because God has sustained us for all these years and he will continue to be sweet and produce sweetness in those who let him bee busy within them. I am the lion who is dead and the lord is to allow the buzzing activity to satisfy others. Pray that I won't go to far with this anology. It could bug some of you. We could start a new cult and call it the In-sect. I am so sorry that was bad.