Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pastor Katsumi Santo and Family Yeah they came

Santo San and his Family came and visited us. We had a great time and it turned out to be Yuuki's birthday. Santo pastors the famous West Tokyo Calvary Chapel. Santo San was saved in San Francisco while working as a cook and attending Calvary Chapel San Francisco. He then came to Japan and attended Mike Kohama's church there in Tokyo. Santo took the reigns of the church and it has since moved to West Tokyo. They are a great Family. His wife Ritsuko helps lead the worship while his sons Yoshiya and Yuuki play in the youth band. I have had the priviledge of knowing them for many years now and every Tuesday I get blessed to have a weekly Bible study together with the other Pastors and men in a morning Study in Tokorozawa. We had a great meal of Mexican Tacos and bean burritos with chips and salsa. It was yummy. We topped it off with a chocolate birthday cake. We had great fellowship. Pray for Santo san and the West Tokyo Fellowship. Pray that they'd just keep growing in the word and bringing pleasure to our Lord. God bless you Santo Family.

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