Saturday, April 10, 2010


As Nathan threw the ball pitching it to home plate it was perfect to hit it rock solid. The excitement of hitting the ball over their heads got the better of me in my Judgment. My knee had already been hurting for weeks since a 10 kilo weight gain. But the hit was so wonderful and the flashback to my childhood had me sprinting toward first base. My large frame hadn’t had that much energy put into motion for years. About the third step away from home plate something snapped sending pain signals into the euphoric brain telling me to stop running. But the kids were screaming, RUN, RUN, RUN. I couldn’t disappoint them. As I went around first a serious limp occurred and by the time I was at second base for a double which should have been a homerun it was clear some thing bad had happened. Hobbling home in prayer and a painful night of no sleep indicated I needed to go to the doctors. A few xrays later we find I have serious ligament damage that will need surgical repair. The Doctor seeing my fat knee thought I must have water in there to extract.
Painful probing around my knee cap with a 2 centimeter needle yielded no water but a red faced doctor saying, “I guess it is just fat.” The story is always the same this might not have happened if you would just loose the weight. So I must humble myself and once again get serious about changing my eating habits and counting my calories. Exercise is out until I can use my leg again. Pray for my endurance on this. I wish dieting was as exciting as hitting that ball. I'd be a real skinny dude if it were.

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