Sunday, August 31, 2008

Grace Christian Fellowship Matsuri

Hello, we had a great Sunday as Mihoko was blessed to be able to translate Pastor Travis into Japanese as their translator Sho was stuck in bad weather in Hokkaido and the plane was delayed. There has been freeky weather here as Thunderstorms and major lightening everywhere. Then after CCT we jambed over to Grace Christian Fellowship where Pastor Jonathan Wilson hangs out. They have a nice facility that is about the size of a 3/4 gymnasium. They had their first Christian Matsuri for the community. They borrowed a pop corn maching, a cotton candy machine, a Kaki kori (Shaved ice) machine. and they had lots of great fesitval foods. One of those is the famous Tako yaki (octopus) balls. They also had yaki soba, and a suprise was the Oden. This is a dish of gobo fish cake and shoyu hardboiled eggs, with daikon and the famous kon yaku. I am not a big fan of Oden but it is good once in a while. Anyway, they had Christian matsuri music playing and everyone was wearing the Yukata clothes for the festival. I am wearing a Hapi which is more comfortable and they can double as pajamas (HA). They had tables with games on them for kids to play and all kinds of fun stuff to do. Some folks from the neighborhood came out and were blessed. Pray for relationships to be fostered and grown. The last picture is a Hapi with the Kanji of Christ on it. Carleton check that out. It was a fun time of fellowship. The event was marred by a down pour of rain but we were able to take it inside and enjoy more of the fun. One neat thing is that Pastor Jonathan's wife Rie is able to play a Shmisen stringed instrument. She played some Christian hymns it was beautiful. I included a picture of the Wilson's daughter Gracie who is also learning to play. She did play the song "Sakura". Great day and we have our first day of school tommorrow. There is a 3 to 4 hour opening ceremony/meet the teacher day. Pray for us as we are homeschooling but we have agreed to attend these functions and have a relationship with the school. We had to buy some white shoes and they gave us yellow hats. Nathan my 10 year old is just mortified in his charlie brown type ball cap. Later

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